How Can We Help?
Chimney sweeps certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America are held to a higher standard than those who are not. When you hire someone who is endorsed by the Chimney Safety Institute of America, you can be confident that the technician has the skill and knowledge to keep your home safe. According to CSIA, this is what sets them above the rest:
The CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® (CCS) credential was established in 1983.
Non-profit status
The Chimney Safety Institute of America is governed by volunteer technical experts making it a non-profit organization.
Code of ethics
The Chimney Safety Institute of America upholds a rigid code of ethics. CSIA uses this code of ethics to protect homeowners against potential fraud. Additionally, if any CSIA certified technician is found in violation of the system of ethics, then their certification may be revoked.
Focus on public safety
CSIA’s mission is to improve chimney education nationwide to eliminate chimney-related hazards such as fires, carbon monoxide intrusion, and damaged chimneys.
National recognition
The Chimney Safety Institute is the nation’s leading resource for chimney safety information.
Source: Chimney Sweep Raleigh NC | Chimney Sweep Charlotte NC